
Showing posts from October, 2023

My hobby


My day


Japanese college life

  This Japanese student's daily life seems really similar to that of a college student here. I’m sure it varies from person to person as it does here but waking up and attending classes and then going to work a restaurant job before bed is very familiar to me. I’ve heard school is more difficult for them there but the video didn’t mention much about the actual classes so I’m still not too sure. I wonder if the same kinds of jobs are seen more as student jobs like they are here. Such as restaurant jobs, like she had in the video, or retail. Or maybe they have other jobs there for things we don’t have here. I don’t think that I’d like to work for a Japanese company for very long because I know that they have to work long hours, but it would be interesting to learn how it works I think. If I do end up studying there I don’t plan on working while I’m there, but I guess I will find out how much harder it is compared to here. I’ve seen some vlogs of people studying abroad there and they


  It feels to me that there are more holidays in Japan than there are here. I like that they get off of work and school for all of them, there’s lots of holidays here that we don’t get as a day off, I also think that it’s really nice that they make sure the holidays land on either side of the weekend to encourage their people to take time off. I know that the work culture in japan is pretty intense so it’s good that they make an effort to give them a break. A lot of their holidays don’t seem to have specific customs like some of ours do. Like marine day and respect to the elders day seems similar to our Labor Day where you can just do whatever you feel. The majority of our holidays have specific events like Thanksgiving dinner, fireworks on 4th of July, or trick or treating. I think it’s nice that they have so many days where you aren’t obligated to do anything and you can spend time on whatever you want. I also thought that it was interesting that they celebrate the birthday of the em

Reading 2

  The book I read was about statistics from Japan. My partner and I took a long time to read it because it was a lot harder. We were able to slowly chip away at understanding it page by page. We got the gist of most pages eventually without help but there were a couple of times that we needed some added assistance to get what it was really saying. I think the book would’ve been written similarly if it had been an American book, we might’ve had an easier time reading it if it was about America because it would’ve been easier for us to decipher what the book said with context from being American. Some of the things written were hard to understand because I didn’t know the things being spoken about Japan. We then read a book about a little girl whose parents divorce and she has to get used to her new home. This book also took us some time to read but was easier than the last book to understand. We already had a lot of the words that I needed to put it together. The story was actually pret


  The book that I read was a children’s picture book about a man on a walk and his experience with the elements. The sun and the wind are personified and the wind becomes strong and makes his journey rough until the sun comes back out for him and makes him hot again. I think the story would be done in a very similar way in an American children’s book. The way that the sun and the wind were personified is something that I see a lot in books over here, even with the character of the man being calm but affected by the elements. I also read a book about praying mantises. That book was much more simple and I was able to easily understand each page of the book. It was a cool experience reading both books, because while I was not able to understand everything the first book said. I was able to understand the gist of the story which was a cool experience to be able to understand native writing, especially when I was able to quickly and easily read the second book that I picked up. The second b




  There’s a lot of differences in houses between countries. I know a big factor of Japanese houses is the genkan, here in America we don’t pay too much attention to keeping our shoes out of the house. I prefer to keep my shoes by the door, but I will sometimes walk to my room and I know other people wear shoes wherever they feel. I respect the cleanliness that comes from disallowing shoes in houses and when I’m over at other peoples houses I will always take my shoes off at the door. Another thing that I was just talking about with our Australian friends that came to visit was the toilets there compared to ours. They mentioned  having some toilets with the sink in the back of them like I know a lot of places in Japan have. I know that some places have heated wood floors as well, which sounds super nice to me. Although, I think you have to be really careful with them because they get scratched easily. I’ve also seen some traditional Japanese houses and they are so gorgeous. The tatami m